Investment Choice Returns to 31 October 2024 for Pension Members
(net of fees) 

1. The Australian Share Option was introduced in February 2005. The Fixed Interest Option and the International Share Option were both introduced on 1 January 2016.
2. The Smoothed Option returns have only been calculated on a monthly basis since 1 July 2013, previously they were calculated on an annual basis.
3. Past performance of an investment option does not guarantee future performance of that investment option.

Investment Choice Returns to 31 October 2024 for Accumulation Members
(net of fees and taxes)

1. The Australian Share Option was introduced in February 2005. The Fixed Interest Option and the International Share Option were both introduced on 1 January 2016.
2. The Smoothed Option returns have only been calculated on a monthly basis since 1 July 2013, previously they were calculated on an annual basis.
3. Past performance of an investment option does not guarantee future performance of that investment option.